Technotools (Chestnut CD-ROM)(1993).ISO
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The Incredible Superpowerful
Floating Point Package for BDS C v1.4
software written by: Bob Mathias
this documentation by: Leor Zolman
Components of the floating point package:
1) FLOAT.DOC: This documentation file
2) FLOAT.C: File of support functions, written in C
3) FP: The workhorse function (in DEFF2.CRL)
4) FLOATSUM.C A Sample use of all this stuff
1) FLOATXT.DOC This documentation file
2) FLOATXT.C File of support functions, with
five added functions, written in C
3) FP unchanged
4) FLEVAL A small program to exercise the
floating point conversions and
***Added functions are magnitude, truncation to integer, rounded
truncation to integer, change sign, assignment ( = ).
***Quick summary table of floating point functions added at end
of general observations.
* New functions described at end of description of old, just
before "General Observations.
L.C. Calhoun
257 South Broadway
Lebanon, Ohio 45036 <513> 932 4541/433 7510
And now, back to our scheduled show - -
This floating point package is as close as BDS C
version 1.x is ever gonna come to manipulating floating point
numbers. And it ain't too bad, actually...Bob did a nice neat
job, and the new formatted printout support in a special version
of the "_spr" library function (source is in FLOAT.C) means that
floating point output is no longer limited to scientific notation.
Here's how it works: for every floating point number
you wish to work with, you must declare a five (5) element
character array. Then, pass a pointer to the array whenever
you need to specify it in a function call. Each of Bob's
functions expects its arguments to be pointers to such
character arrays.
The four basic arithmetic functions are: fpadd,
fpsub, fpmul and fpdiv. They each take three arguments: a
pointer to a five character array where the result will go,
and the two operands (each a pointer to a five character array
representing a floating point operand.)
To facilitate the initialization of the floating
point character arrays with the values you desire and printing
out the values in a human-readable form, the following
functions are included:
ftoa: converts a floating point number to an ASCII
string (which you can then print out with "puts")
NOTE: explicit use of this function has been made
obsolete by the new "sprintf." See FLOAT.C.
atof: converts an ASCII string (null terminated) to
a floating point number
itof: converts integer to floating point.
Here are Bob's descriptions of the functions:
The following functions allow BDS C compiler users to access
and manipulate real numbers. Each real number must be allocated
a five (5) byte character array (char fpno[5]). The first four
bytes contain the mantissa with the first byte being the least
significant byte. The fifth byte is the exponent.
char op1[5],op2[5];
an integer 1 if op1 > op2
an integer -1 if op1 < op2
a zero if op1 = op2
As with most floating point packages, it is not
a good practice to compare for equality when
dealing with floating point numbers.
char *fpadd(result,op1,op2)
char result[5], op1[5], op2[5];
Stores the result of op1 + op2 in result. op1
and op2 must be floating point numbers.
Returns a pointer to the beginning of result.
char *fpsub(result,op1,op2)
char result[5],op1[5],op2[5];
Stores the result of op1 - op2 in result. op1
and op2 must be floating point numbers.
Returns a pointer to the beginning of result.
char *fpmult(result,op1,op2)
char result[5],op1[5],op2[5];
Stores the result of op1 * op2 in result. op1
and op2 must be floating point numbers. Returns
a pointer to the beginning of result.
watch out for over/underflow which wrap
around in the exponent ! note by LCC
char *fpdiv(result,op1,op2)
char result[5],op1[5],op2[5];
Stores the result of op1 / op2 in result. op1
and op2 must be floating point numbers.
A divide by zero will return zero as result.
Returns a pointer to the beginning of result.
char *atof(op1,s1)
char op1[5],*s;
Converts the ASCII string s1 into a floating
point number and stores the result in op1.
The function will ignore leading white space
but NO white space is allowed to be embedded
withing the number. The following are legal
"2", "22022222222383.333", "2.71828e-9",
"3443.33 E10" would be ILLEGAL because
it contains an embedded space.
The value of the exponent must be within the
range: -38 <= exponent <= 38.
A pointer to the result is returned.
char *ftoa(s1,op1)
char *s1,op1[5];
Converts the floating point number op1 to an
ASCII string. It will be formatted in
scientific notation with seven (7) digits of
precision. The string will be terminated by
a null.
Returns a pointer to the beginning of s1.
char *itof(op1, n)
char op1[5];
int n;
Sets the floating pt. number op1 to the value
of integer n. n is assumed to be a SIGNED
--------added new functions-------------
int ftoit(fpno)
char fpno[5];
returns a truncated integer equivalent to the floating
point number fpno input. Integer values larger than 32767
or less than -32767 will overflow in the same manner
as in atoi(). There are no error messages in this case.
int ftoir(fpno)
char fpno[5];
returns a rounded integer equivalent to the floating point
number fpno input. Positive values are rounded by adding
0.5 to fpno prior to truncation. Negative values are
rounded by subtracting 0.5 from fpno prior to truncation.
char *fpmag(result,fpno)
char result[5], fpno[5];
converts negative floating point numbers to positive
floating point numbers, and leaves positive numbers
positive. returns pointer to result.
char *fpchs(result,fpno)
char result[5], fpno[5];
Changes the sign of fpno and places in result. Returns
pointer to result.
char *fpasg(result,fpno)
char result[5], fpno[5];
Places fpno in result leaving fpno unchanged. Simple
The above new functions added by LCC
General observations:
Because floating point operations must be thought of
in terms of FUNCTION CALLS rather than simple in-line
expressions, special care must be taken not to confuse the
abilities of the compiler with the abilities of the floating
point package. To give a floating point number an initail
value, for instance, you cannot say:
char fpno[5];
fpno = "2.236";
To achieve the desired result, you'd have to say:
char fpno[5];
Moreover, let's say you want to set a floating point number
to the value of an integer variable called "ival". Saying:
char fpno[5];
int ival;
fpno = ival;
will not work; you have to change that last line to:
Some more examples:
The following will add 100.2 & -7.99 and store the
result at the five character array location 'a':
fpadd(a,atof(b,"100.2"), atof(c,"-7.99"));
(note that "b" and "c" must also be five character
The following would NOT add 1 to 'a' as both op1 and
op2 must be floating point numbers (actually pointers
to characters...):
fpadd(a,a,1); /* bad use of "fpadd" */
Thus, it can get a bit hairy when all floating
point numbers are really character arrays; but still, it's
better than nothing.
All of the above functions are written in C, but
most of them call a single workhorse function called "fp"
to do all the really hairy work. This function has been placed
into the DEFF2.CRL; it is the only machine-coded part of the
Questions on the internals of this package should
be addressed to:
Bob Mathias
23147 Los Alisos apt. 268
Mission Viejo, Ca. 92691
At Bob's request, the source for the "fp" function has not been
included in the package and is not generally available. If you really
need the thing, try contacting Bob at the above address and ask for
--------------- TABLE OF FLOATING POINT EQUIVALENCIES -----------------
Effect of Function Function Results
----------------------- ------------------------------- ---------------
op1 > op2 int fpcomp(op1,op2) fpcomp = 1
op1 = op2 <remember fp> fpcomp = 0
op1 < op2 fpcomp = -1
result = op1 + op2 char *fpadd(result,op1,op2) point to result
result = op1 - op2 char *fpsub(result,op1,op2) point to result
result = op1 * op2 char *fpmult(result,op1,op2) point to result
result = op1 / op2 char *fpdiv(result,op1,op2) point to result
op1 = float(n) char *itof(op1,n) point to result
result = |fpno| char *fpmag(result,fpno) point to result
result = - fpno char *fpchs(result,fpno) point to result
result = fpno <:=> char *fpasg(result,fpno) point to result
truncate integer fpno int ftoit(fpno) ftoit=INT(fpno)
round & integer fpno int ftoir(fpno) ftoir=INT(fpno)
+round up
-round down